Directed by: Elia Kazan
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Tagline: A trail to the light!
Plot Outline: The story of director Kazan's uncle, who grew up in a small village as a member of the Greek minority in Turkey in the end of the 19th century...
Runtime: 174 min
Awards: Won Oscar. Another 5 wins & 11 nominations
Cast (first 10): Stathis Giallelis, Frank Wolff, Elena Karam, Lou Antonio, John Marley, Estelle Hemsley, Katharine Balfour, Harry Davis, Giorgos Foundas, Joanna Frank
The story of director Kazan's uncle, who grew up in a small village as a member of the Greek minority in Turkey in the end of the 19th century. When the oppression by the Turks increases, his father provides the young man with the family treasures and sends him to Constantinople. There he is supposed to make money and get the family to join him. But his own dream is different: America...